Letting agents and landlords have a big part to play in making sure that updated fire safety regulations improve standards for tenants living in taller buildings, according to No...
Tom Bill, head of UK residential research at Knight Frank, looks at the capital's prime lettings market and the effects of recent sweeping regulatory changes on landlords.
Landlords hit by rising costs and tightening regulations are continuing to sell up, according to newly released data from Zoopla which report that, as a result, more cheaper homes are...
Guy Coggrave, Managing Director, GSC Grays, looks at how The Renters' Reform Bill could offer landlords the opportunity to review their portfolio and consider if their properties and...
Renovating used to be a value alternative to moving, but with the cost-of-living crisis, soaring inflation, and material price hikes, many will be asking is it still worthwhile?
Despite continuing economic uncertainty, sentiment among large portfolio landlords is running high, with a majority planning to acquire at least one new asset in the coming...
Following on from the long-awaited publication of the Renters' Reform Bill, new research from Finbri reveals that Landlords are wary of the proposed changes around section 21 and the...
A quarter of Brits are considering becoming holiday let landlords to earn extra income from the continued popularity of UK staycations, new research has revealed.