Glenigan's latest construction review has revealed that the majority of major projects stalled during the final few months of 2024, leading to a 19% fall in total project-start value...
Simply increasing the housing supply is unlikely to have a significant impact on house prices unless the type, size, and tenure of the homes align with market demand
A year to the day that Biodiversity Net Gain requirements came into force, off-site BNG provider Environment Bank reports that the once fledgling market is now thriving and...
Labour’s introduction of the grey belt could help bring a significant boost to social housing stock levels across England, according to new planning and development research.
Mustafa Sidki of the construction team at Thackray Williams explains how property professionals can best prepare for and navigate the legal challenges surrounding the 'right to...
There are currently an estimated 30,597 grey belt sites across England, enough to deliver 3.4m homes to the market if developed, according to data released by Searchland.