Andrew Ward, Managing Director at Solomon Investment Partners, looks at investing in buy-to-let and, in particular, what new and early investors should be considering.
Research ahead of proposed reforms to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard regulation has revealed that two-fifths of landlords believe it’s important to meet the proposed EPC...
According to the government, the recently revealed Renters' Reform Bill will see eleven million tenants across England benefit from safer, fairer and higher quality homes thanks to a...
Property Reporter has announced its first digital event of 2023 – aimed at helping landlords tackle the most prevalent tenant and tenancy issues they face.
More than four years after Tories first promised "a better deal for renters" ahead of 2019's general election, Housing Secretary Michael Gove will finally introduce the long-awaited...
Measures to make independent inventories compulsory in every tenancy agreement should be included in the long-awaited Renters' Reform Bill, according to the Association of Independent...
As a landlord, you're always looking for ways to maximize your investment and make your property stand out from the competition. Adding value to your buy-to-let property is a smart way...
Following a decline of 2.9% during 2021 and 2022, commercial rents are strengthening across Britain, up 9.7% annually standing at an average of £1,036 per week.