Average UK rental prices have now hit £1,213 - up 1.2% from last month’s average of £1,199 PCM, according to the latest rental index data released by HomeLet.
Depleted stock levels for affordable rental property in the capital compounded by soaring energy costs have seen houseshare letting enquiries soar from prospective tenants according to...
Average rents have continued their upward trajectory in May, rising in the majority of regions across England according to the latest market analysis from Goodlord.
London’s summer rental market is predicted to be one of the most challenging on record for renters this year, according to Chestertons who warn that depleted stock levels and an...
Despite a year-on-year reduction in the UK’s rental insurance blackhole, still only 51% of private tenants have contents insurance, according to recent YouGov survey data.
The intermediary-only specialist lender has announced that it has refreshed all products within its core buy-to-let and owner-occupied ranges for both purchase and remortgages.
A sustained government attack on landlords, culminating in the publication of the Renters' Reform Bill, could cause many to finally exit the sector with the ban on Section 21 cited as...
Three-quarters of landlords say that they will raise rents and/or deposit sizes in the face of new legislation which is set to change landlords’ abilities to refuse pets.
With interest rates currently at their highest levels since 2008 and as many as 50% of landlords indicating that they will leave the sector as a result, new research from Finbri looks...