Ritchie Clapson CEng MIStructE, co-founder of propertyCEO, looks at how politics is compounding the ongoing housing crisis and how best to address this.
Ahead of Wednesday's Autumn Statement, Neil Cobbold of PayProp UK looks at some of the measures the Chancellor could introduce to strengthen support for both tenants and landlords.
Newly released figures have revealed that the government pocketed an additional £793m in a single year from inheritance tax liabilities, largely due to the pandemic-inspired boom...
New research finds that just over a year on from the government's disastrous mini-budget, the capital's struggling property market has finally turned a corner, with an uplift in...
Jeremy Hunt's plans to throw a lifeline to first-time buyers by extending a scheme to 95 per cent mortgages are simply 'sticking plaster' plans, a property association has warned.
A new consultation by the Scottish government on rented sector reform has received criticism from the industry for imposing its own choices rather than listening to any new ideas from...