Following a BBC report that claimed the government is rowing back on its promise to keep DFG funding in line with inflation, the NRLA has warned ministers not to backtrack on their...
Sarah Cox, Partner at Carter Jonas, looks at the government's proposed housing plans for Leeds and explains why a clear infrastructure plan is key to achieving their success.
Ritchie Clapson CEng MIStructE, co-founder of propertyCEO, looks at government housing targets, where they get 300'000 from, and how many homes we are actually building.
Government subsidies totalling more than £70bn are expected to be paid out to private landlords via housing support over the next five years, the New Economics Foundation has...
A new report confirming the size, value, and cost of Government properties in 2022/23 has been published and has revealed that the government is on track to meet its target of...
MPs on the All-Party Parliamentary Group have warned that government reforms to the PRS will fail without sufficient resources to ensure they can be enforced.
Government plans to retrospectively introduce a cap on ground rents could cost the taxpayer over £31bn in compensation, warns the Residential Freehold Association.