The British Property Federation has urged the government to abandon its plans for a new infrastructure levy as they will do little to alleviate existing difficulties.
Labour leader, Keir Starmer, plans to overhaul planning rules if Labour wins next year's general election, including reviewing green belt restrictions.
The latest analysis from Searchland looked at historic data on the number of approved, rejected and pending residential planning applications between 2002 and 2022 and how the number...
Jadine Berry, associate director at planning and development consultancy, Turley, looks at what more needs to be done to deliver high quality, adaptable and truly state-of-the-art...
The British Property Federation has backed Government proposals to increase planning fees for major developments by 35% on the condition that the additional income is used to provide...
The impact of Covid on our working practices has been well documented, and these significant changes are evident in the approach being taken by developers in planning new office space,...
David Churchill, Partner at Carter Jonas, looks at the benefits of proptech and, in particular, the proposed digitalisation for the planning and development sector.
James Sackley, a planner at Boyer, part of Leaders Roamn Group, considers the various different types of neurodiversity and the way in which neurodiverse people of all types may...
Despite a year-on-year climb in the number of residential planning applications being granted approval, for the fifth consecutive year, the total number of applications has fallen,...