Duncan Powell MRTPI, Group Planning Director at Acorn Property Group, looks back at the Autumn Statement and how politics and the planning system are holding back SME developers.
Planning fee hikes of 35% for developments of more than ten homes and 20% for other applications have been healivily criticised by the building industry.
A new report has shared fresh insight into the growth of London’s Build to Rent sector and how inconsistency in the capital’s planning policies could be threatening this.
While the majority of planning approvals are successful, you stand a much better chance of getting the green light depending on where you live, according to new research.
The construction industry has backed Labour's plans 'bulldoze' through the UK's failing planning system, but urged that SME housebuilders must be part of the push if we are to build...
Soaring house prices have seen a rise in the number of prospective homeowners opting to improve rather than move. However, amid the challenges faced by those looking to extend,...
Grant Leggett, Executive Director at Boyer, looks at the concepts of 'beauty' and ‘gentle density’ as outlined in the revised NPPF and what exactly they mean in planning...
Grant Leggett, Executive Director, Boyer looks at the importance that homeowners attach to woodland and how vital this is in the planning of new communities.