A recent poll of UK house hunters has found moving closer to family and needing additional space are two of the top reasons why people want to move home in 2021.
With over 250 buyers registering to bid, Allsop’s second commercial auction of the year resulted in the sale of 86 lots totalling £56.5m and a success rate of 80%.
Paragon Bank is aiming to encourage landlords to invest in energy-efficient properties with the launch of a new range of 80% loan-to-value buy-to-let mortgages specifically for...
The latest analysis shows that there are an estimated 840,000 private tenants who have built rent arrears since lockdown measures began, with many likely to lose their homes in the...
The spring selling season is booming and at a level not seen in a decade, with new listings already up 17% on the total number listed for February, and 28% higher than in January.
Whether it's your first home or fifth, navigating the house buying process can be both time consuming and highly stressful, with many factors that need to be taken into consideration...
For over a year now, the UK has been cycling through different lockdown periods to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, it now looks as though the end of the pandemic could be in...
2020 saw millions leaving their usual places of work and heading home to create makeshift offices in their kitchens and living rooms. Unsurprisingly, as a result of working from home,...
On 23 July 2018, the Government published a draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill (the “draft Bill”). The operation and scope of the Register of People with Significant...