If the latest figures highlighting the number of overseas landlords owning property in the UK is anything to go by then Brexit hasn’t deterred investment in the UK property market.
Simply put, the main advantage of a south-facing house or garden is the amount of sunlight you'll enjoy (You remember sunlight, right? Warm stuff, comes from the sky). This has been a...
New build property across England and Wales was 9.5 times the average salary in 2020, improving for the third year in a row, according to the latest figures released by Paragon.
Currently, we have a vibrant property market that is fuelled by buyer incentives, enticing first-time-buyers to take their first step on to the property ladder. But just how much does...
Across the pond, 'Multi-Family', the US version of Build to rent, has been established for over a decade, but could provide insight as to how much growth potential is left in the...
Ask anyone trying to get a foot on the housing ladder "How's it going?" and they'll probably explain how hard and complicated the process is. From finding somewhere they like, in the...
For the vast majority, buying a home in one of the capital's most exclusive and expensive neighbourhoods is way beyond their means. However, buying 'next best' and recouping some...
The market has become overheated. All but two major cities in the UK have had the advantage of a saving in stamp duty wiped out by rapidly escalating house prices.
The rental market continues to perform strongly despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, with new data revealing that, during February, the number of new prospective tenants rose...