With the party conference season on the horizon, politicians are being urged to reverse recent tax rule changes which have rendered many landlord businesses unprofitable.
The long-awaited Renters (Reform) Bill intends to introduce widespread changes across the Private Rented Sector. But how will the proposed reforms impact the responsibilities of...
The average landlord is risking a potential bill of almost £20,000, should they neglect to maintain the boilers within the properties across their portfolio, according to new...
The National Residential Landlords Association has announced that it has purchased property safety certification provider, Safe2, providing landlords with a single service to ensure...
Andy Jones, Group Director, Corporate & Build to Rent at LRG, looks at the Build to Rent sector and the benefits it offers to communities that go beyond simply providing a place to...
With staycations remaining as popular as ever in 2023, Bev Dumbleton, Chief Operating Officer at Sykes Holiday Cottages, shares her insight and top tips on how you can financially...
Landlords across the borough of Haringey have been issued with fines amounting to £207,500 after failing to license their houses in multiple occupation.
With parts of the press now stopping using the word due to complaints from the buy-to-let community, has the term "Landlord" become a dirty word among property investors?
Future investment in the industry from landlords and letting agents could be threatened if a number of crucial questions surrounding the Renters (Reform) Bill remain unanswered,...