Has the government really got the best interests of landlords and tenants at heart by rowing back on key green pledges including EPC upgrades - or is it simply electioneering?
Despite ongoing economic turbulence and government interference, landlords in England & Wales have seen their rental portfolio income increase by 8.7% in the past year, according...
A new survey published by PayProp UK has revealed that the majority of lettings professionals still disapprove of the Renters (Reform) Bill in its current form.
As traditional retail continues to decline, the UK High Street is facing a significant shift. Claire Tucker, founder, HomeWork Workspace, looks at how greater flexibility could help...
The national body representing private-sector landlords has called on the Ministry of Justice to reform the Court service and take action to speed up the time it takes to process...
The latest Foundation Home Loans and BVA BDRC research has found that 71% of landlords are unlikely to buy a property which has an EPC rating of less than C.