Wybo Wijnbergen, CEO of infinitSpace looks at several ways that commercial landlords can take action and ensure that revenue streams for their office investments remain healthy.
Inventory clerks are ‘ideally placed’ to protect landlords from some of the heavy fines incurred from a breach of regulations in the Renters (Reform Bill), according to No...
A new consultation by the Scottish government on rented sector reform has received criticism from the industry for imposing its own choices rather than listening to any new ideas from...
Bev Dumbleton, chief operating officer at Sykes Holiday Cottages, looks at how holiday let owners can maintain booking momentum over the winter months.
Despite rental prices remaining steady throughout September for most of England, once again the capital and South East bucked the trend with more record-breaking rises.
New research has revealed that growing numbers of homeowners are offsetting rises in mortgage payments and other bills by taking in a lodger to help with costs.
Average rents across England have risen by almost 14% over the last five years. However, there are some parts of the country where the increases in rent are much higher.