Landlords have argued that the current rented housing laws which underpin the PRS are 'not fit for purpose', with some dating back to the 18th century.
North Lincolnshire Council successfully brought a prosecution under the Housing Act 2004 against the landlord for leaving tenants without heating. According to housing campaigner Ajay...
Allowing tenants to keep pets in their rented homes has become a controversial issue this year following the launch of the government’s new Model Tenancy Agreement in January.
Intermediary-only specialist buy-to-let lender, CHL Mortgages, has announced that it has extended its distribution panel with the addition of SimplyBiz Mortgages.
With the vast majority of the attention on the sales market due to the stamp duty deadline this week, the latest data released by Goodlord reveals that the lettings market recorded a...
Following strong market demand, specialist lender, Together, has announced that it has introduced its lowest ever rate of 4.99% on its standard buy-to-let and consumer buy-to-let first...
The UK's Build-to-Rent sector has responded to demand and lifestyle changes and now leads the pet rental revolution, according to the latest market analysis from Ascend Properties.
The government has been urged to provide further clarity and transparency to landlords about the future of Right to Rent checks post-pandemic and post-Brexit.
The number of new prospective tenants is at the highest figure on record for the month of May, according to the latest stats released by ARLA Propertymark.
Buy-to-let landlords have started to rate environmentally friendly properties among their top considerations when investing, according to new research by Hodge.