Due to ongoing confusion surrounding foreign travel, the appetite for UK staycations is stronger than ever – with around 60% suggesting that they will remain in the UK for their...
Only one landlord in 34,000 is a member of a government-backed watchdog scheme designed to deal with tenant’s complaints about the condition of their rented homes.
"To Self-Manage or Not to Self-Manage", that is the question TV star and founder of Landlord Action, Paul Shamplina, will answer on a new course he has launched for buy-to-let...
With confusion still surrounding foreign travel, demand for UK holidays is currently booming. Recent estimates suggest that the UK's National Parks could see in excess of 100 million...
Specialist buy-to-let mortgage lender, Landbay, has announced that it has launched two new buy-to-let products for first-time landlords who want to invest in houses in multiple...
73% of portfolio buy-to-let landlords say they prefer to access finance through a broker rather than going direct to a lender, according to new research from Hodge.
Decreased tenant demand in London has seen average rents decline during the second quarter of 2021, according to newly released figures from The Deposit Protection Service.
As lockdown restrictions continue to ease, more people are returning to their offices and regular – if still not daily for many – commutes are becoming more commonplace. As...
News reached us at the weekend that British retail institution John Lewis is expanding its range of wares from haberdashery, electrical goods and Waitrose goodies to houses. Yes, you...
The events of the last 18 months and a growing light at the end of the tunnel as we head back to some degree of normality has seen people begin to think about their plans for the...