Average asking rents in Great Britain are rising at the fastest rate ever recorded and have reached £1,068 per calendar month outside of London – a rise of 9.9% against...
Post-pandemic landlords are increasingly choosing to invest in regions outside of the capital to attract a greater rental yield, according to figures released by Simply Business.
One of the biggest changes in buyer behaviour during the course of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns was the shift towards larger properties and, in particular, for those that...
A “notable shift” in tenants’ demands during the pandemic has seen a growing number of commercial landlords struggling to secure tenants for their office buildings.
Build-to-rent provider, Wise Living, has announced that it has set a target of securing over 500 BTR homes in the South West in the next 3 years as it continues to expand its growing...
Intermediary-only specialist lender, Foundation Home Loans, has announced a full refresh and repricing of its core buy-to-let and residential product ranges, including improved rates.
Landlords have warned that the proposed EPC legislation that will require all newly rented properties to have a certification rating of C or above will not come cheap.
The build-to-rent sector has gone from strength to strength in the last year, rebounding from a decline in completions caused by the initial outbreak of Covid-19, according to the...
The holiday let sector has boomed according to the latest data and analysis from Moneyfacts who report that there are now more than 200 deals available in this niche arena, treble that...
Tenants are struggling to find a property in the current rental market, with high demand and a time-consuming application process causing many to miss out on their dream rental home,...