It’s not the easiest time for commercial landlords. Covid, the rise of online shopping and changing working habits are all affecting those who rely on commercial rental income.
Suffolk Building Society has announced that it has launched a new holiday let product to strengthen its existing expat residential and expat buy to let offering.
With an estimated 5.5m private rental properties, the UK buy-to-let sector is believed to hold £1.7tr in stock alone following substantial growth over the last five years.
Hodge has announced that it will now accept 30 weeks occupancy as a rental yield projection for its holiday let mortgages in reaction to demand, as well as the increasing rental yields...
UK renters are forking out up to 77% of their monthly household income simply to get by in the current UK rental market, according to the latest market analysis from Benham and...
Tenants feel more could be done by landlords to make property energy efficient, with 58% reporting no sustainable changes made during the time they had lived at the property.
Kent Reliance for Intermediaries has announced that it has refreshed its entire buy to let range, enabling brokers to access a wider range of options to suit their landlord clients.
Ome has announced the launch of a new platform for its members which will further improve the overall experience of deposit free renting and the customer journey for Ome’s...
Five new remortgage products have been added to Paragon Bank’s range of buy-to-let mortgages, suitable for portfolio landlords who operate as individuals or as a limited...