"The Bank of England's pause on interest rate hikes comes at a crucial time for the UK property market, and our latest offerings are designed to bolster this positive momentum"
- Sophie Mitchell-Charman - LendInvest
LendInvest is supporting landlords with up to 30bps off across its range of two, five and seven-year Buy-to-Let mortgages, with rates starting at 3.99%.
Changes include specialist support for complex Buy-to-Lets including an expanded maximum loan size for Large HMOs and MUFBs, with the upper limit increasing to £1.5 million.
LendInvest Mortgage’s new Buy-to-Let range is the latest update in a string of rate cuts across its Residential and Bridging products, powered by a market-leading technology platform developed to deliver faster mortgages for brokers and their clients.
Sophie Mitchell-Charman, Commercial Director at LendInvest, said: “This week marks a pivotal moment for LendInvest Mortgages, not just in launching this new Buy-to-Let product range, along with other key updates to our mortgages suite, but also in aligning our efforts with the broader economic landscape.
“The Bank of England's pause on interest rate hikes comes at a crucial time for the UK property market, and our latest offerings are designed to bolster this positive momentum. By introducing significant rate reductions and expanded lending capabilities, we aim to empower professional landlords and invigorate the property sector.
"This refreshed range, combined with a stabilising financial environment, provides ample ground for landlords to bolster their portfolios.