What exodus? It seems that despite the tax and regulatory changes imposed by the government, those landlords who have remained in the business are not going anywhere soon.
Demand for high-end homes in the capital has crept up during the first quarter of the year, partly fuelled by a sustained trend for larger homes during the pandemic, according to new...
With 41,707 new-build transactions taking place in 2020 across England as a whole, totalling £15.7bn, the new-build sector accounted for 7% of all transactions last year. According...
It’s about time Generation Rent became Generation Buy - and although entering the mortgage market is a daunting process at the best of times, let alone in a pandemic - Rishi...
The stamp duty holiday has only had a limited effect in distorting the housing market and its end is unlikely to greatly affect it, according to Knight Frank.
Despite nearly a third of all homes sold over the last year were on a Road, newly released data has highlighted that, when it comes to commanding the highest price, homes with a more...
YBS Commercial Mortgages has announced that it has reduced the rate on its semi-commercial five-year fixed-rate mortgage following feedback, to 4.35% from 4.70%.
Investors and homeowners are utilising second charge mortgages to raise money to invest in buy-to-let properties, reflecting the soaring demand for rental properties and the current...
Fewer than one in three property sales fell through during the first quarter of 2021 in England and Wales, according to figures from property buying company Quick Move Now, with a...
The last 12 months have seen the way we buy homes shift further to being a digital process rather than a physical one. And with half of homebuyers revealing that they never visit their...