The government's newly launched Housing Possession Mediation Scheme, which aims to help parties resolve disputes more quickly without the need for court action, can help letting...
Research of almost 900 landlords has found that, for the first time in four years, a majority now say they plan to expand their portfolios compared to those who intend to reduce.
A five-year study, based on over 900,000 rental properties, has found that a decline in London rents is being driven by inner boroughs compared to Outer London, where rents are holding...
Average house prices across England could climb by another £23,000 before the end of the year as the effects of the stamp duty holiday continue to impact the market.
Residential buy-to-let properties saw rental yields of 6.3% across England during Q1, on par with the first quarter of 2020 and 0.6% up on the rental yield figure for the last...
Using recently published Government data, new research by Paragon has shown that the North West is the most affordable region for tenants, followed by North East and Yorkshire.
Land Registry data has shown how the market reacted in the run-up to the original stamp duty holiday deadline in March of this year before an extension was announced in the Budget.
The Mortgage Lender has announced that it has launched a five-year fixed HMO buy to let rate and Lumi-branded products for Ltd Company, individual and HMO/MUB applicants with...
A level of sales not normally achieved until the end of June has been reached by mid-April, with one in every 50 homes in the UK sold, up from one in every 100 homes during the same...