The National Landlord Index, published by, has uncovered new insights showing that nearly a third of landlords (30.3%) across the UK have agreed to some form of...
Buy-to-let product availability has eclipsed the choice on offer in March 2020, before the impact of the pandemic was felt across the sector, according to the latest data from...
Homes in the North West with the highest energy ratings are worth up to £40,000 more on average compared to less sustainable properties – and environmentally conscious...
New research from Knight Frank reveals that the second homes boom that began after the first lockdown in 2020 isn’t over and more buyers than ever have opted for the attractions...
Tenant demand and sustained depletion of rental stock have seen average rents surge for the second consecutive month, according to data released by ARLA Propermark.
Newly released data from Sequre Property Investment highlights which regions are currently generating the most rent for UK landlords and how they rank when considering the rental...
The myth that housing developers are hoarding land after gaining planning consent in order to benefit from a rising market has been debunked in new research by leading planning...
Euro 96, Britpop, Trainspotting, Charles & Di splitting up, Mad Cow Disease, Dolly the sheep. 1996 was jamp-packed with era-defining events that helped shape and transform the UK...
While some road names are inspired by hyper-local concerns or history, the vast majority of names are used and reused in different towns and cities across the land. As a result,...
A new UK-wide study of prospective buyers for new homes has revealed that 61% of house buyers prioritise energy efficiency for heating and fixtures when looking for a new home.