As we enter a new year, many landlords, investors and property professionals will be focussing on what the coming twelve months will bring to the property market, and what the most...
Homes surrounding London’s royal parks command an average house price premium of 30% when compared to the wider boroughs they are located within, according to research from Henry...
A £1.5bn home building fund offering loans to SMEs to help them deliver 42,000 new houses across the country has received a lukewarm response from the construction industry.
62% of residential property professionals don’t believe that Energy Performance Certificates are the most suitable method to help reduce emissions in our homes, according to...
Specialist buy-to-let, bridging and commercial lender, Mercantile Trust, has announced that it has refreshed its buy-to-let proposition with several changes made to its lending...
Volume housebuilder, Barratt, has announced that it has acquired land promoter Gladman Developments for £250m, with the purchase expected to deliver an incremental 500...
House price growth has made a strong start to 2022 with demand continuing to outstrip supply, according to this morning's data and market analysis from Nationwide.
Green shoots are appearing in the capital according to the latest market analysis from specialist mortgage lender, OSB Group, who report that although landlords operating in London...
An overwhelming 87% of UK homeowners who took part in a new survey have said they believe their home would hold its value in 2022, according to research from