Rent-to-Rent is now talked about more and more in property circles. It’s been around for a long time, but as property prices rise investors need bigger and bigger savings to purchase...
Paragon Bank is aiming to encourage landlords to invest in energy-efficient properties with the launch of a new range of 80% loan-to-value buy-to-let mortgages specifically for...
The latest analysis shows that there are an estimated 840,000 private tenants who have built rent arrears since lockdown measures began, with many likely to lose their homes in the...
Private renters are still concerned by the threat of eviction despite the current ban, which, according to Citizens Advice, is simply “papering over the cracks”.
Coastal holiday homes have seen demand surge over the past six months as travel remains restricted and people re-evaluate their holiday plans during the ongoing pandemic.
The pandemic continues to put pressure on the housing sector, with the latest data revealing that rents are now 22% below the level they were at in February 2020.
There has been a sharp uplift in student rental activity following the Government’s announcement on returning to higher education just a month ago, according to the latest analysis...
Property investors are sitting on an average of £37,000 each in investment capital that they are poised to inject into property, according to a new study by property investment...