Students have shared their biggest concerns about their time spent in purpose-built student accommodation in a new survey commissioned by Manor Interiors.
Landlords nearing retirement age have been found to be the most prolific in terms of acquiring new investment properties, according to newly released data from Paragon Bank.
Lockdowns, tenants migrating from cities to move back home and reductions in their incomes, working from home requirements, and a ban on evictions. It's fair to say that times have...
While priorities may have shifted amongst homeowners during the pandemic, it seems that for landlords this may not be the case, as new research from Hodge reveals that some things...
The height of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns saw thousands of tenants heading out of the cities to be closer to family and friends, resulting in demand for urban tenancies and...
Lettings platform, Goodlord, has announced that agents and landlords utilising their Rent Protection & Legal Expenses Insurance policy will now have their rent protected until...
As demand for a ‘home-from-home holiday experience increases with more people than ever taking a short break or travelling for business following the pandemic, luxury home...
New HMO licensing rules came into force in Westminster at the end of August 2021 stating that shared houses or flats where 3 or more people from 2 or more households share facilities...