New energy efficiency rules due to take effect from 2025 which state that landlords cannot rent their property without an EPC rating of C or above have prompted some buy-to-let...
61% of private landlords who helped tenants out during the pandemic by reducing or cutting rent had to rely on savings to absorb the cost, according to new research conducted by...
Only 1% of landlords expect to lose their business as a result of Covid-19, according to new research conducted in September for Foundation Home Loans.
The first three quarters of 2021 have seen an unprecedented surge in demand for industrial floorspace across the UK and, in particular, the Eastern M25 market, as the economy recovers...
Intermediary only lender, Hodge, has announced that it has reduced its rates on holiday let mortgages by 0.10% on 75% LTV rates, following an earlier rate reduction on its 50+ and RIO...
On 4 August 2021, the government announced that Section 82 of the Coronavirus Act 2020, which prevents landlords of commercial properties from being able to evict tenants for rent...
A substantial wave of capital is heading for the UK’s suburban build to rent housing sector, as investors look to diversify and grow their exposure to the private rental market,...
At present, a total of 106,337 PRS properties are currently under minimum standards and are therefore being let illegally. Despite the scale of this challenge, funding was offered to...
Propertymark is praising the work of its letting agent members in their continued efforts to prevent and resolve disputes by setting out clear expectations and information as well as...
A new report has been released this week, analysing the UK housing crisis, and making 11 recommendations on how the sector can achieve the target of 300,000 new homes per year.