The North West is seeing the highest levels of tenant demand with an average of 163 new tenants registered per branch during October, according to data released by ARLA Propertymark.
Demand for private rental housing is at an all-time high according to a new survey of private landlords across England and Wales that found 57% confirmed that demand for homes to rent...
With the government announcing on Saturday evening that some restrictions are to return (plan B lite) due to Omicron, new research reveals that over half of renters across the UK would...
Rising average tenancy lengths make inventories and regular inspections much more important for letting agents and landlords, according to No Letting Go.
Rising student numbers in Leeds have seen students already reserving homes for next summer on the back of virtual viewings with many preparing to pay record rents to secure the best...
With 22% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions deriving from domestic properties, progress on climate change as a result of the COP26 agreement is likely to be undermined by dodgy...
Following a rise in post-lockdown council enforcement, total fines for letting agents and landlords have passed the £7m mark for the first time after rising by £372,874...
Intermediary-only lender, Hodge, has announced that it has made further reductions on its holiday let products, reducing its five-year fixed 75% LTV product by 0.20%.
Much of the news around property prices of late has focussed upon sale values and, generally, only on a national basis. When we hear news of ‘the property market’ it tends...
The buy-to-let division of West One Loans has announced that it has made a range of product and criteria changes, including reduced rates on its new GREEN product range and new Limited...