The government’s much-discussed levelling up agenda must include the provision of more new rental homes in all parts of the country, according to the Association of Independent...
YBS Commercial Mortgages has announced that it has improved its Housing of Multiple Occupation product to make it accessible to more landlords following feedback from brokers.
Good quality housing stock in high demand saw void periods reduce again during February - another busy month for the lettings sector, according to the latest market analysis by...
Average rents in the UK have reached another record high of £1069, up 0.5% against January's figures, according to the latest data released by HomeLet.
The government's squeeze on landlords has been well documented over the years, yet despite their best efforts, new research from Rentd has revealed that the return on a buy-to-let...
Build to Rent specialist, Wise Living, has announced it will be delivering almost 90 new rental properties across two developments in Mansfield in addition to its existing site of 75...
With Rightmove’s latest data highlighting a rebound in demand for London as people return to offices to work and move closer to major cities, or at least within comfortable...
Across the UK, there are estimated to be over 29.5m homes within the current property market. 30% of these are thought to be privately rented, meaning the UK’s buy-to-let stock...
Aldermore has announced that it has made a number of changes to its buy to let mortgage range including introducing a new limited edition product and reducing rates.