As many as 70% of portfolio landlords say that they expect to remortgage or consolidate loans over the next 12 months, according to newly released data from CHL Mortgages.
Thousands of commercial properties across the UK won’t meet new energy efficiency regulations, incurring costs/fines for landlords, and potentially disrupting businesses,...
Every UK region saw a rise in annual room rent during February, with Northern Ireland seeing the biggest rise -up 14% and London seeing rent increases on a scale not seen since...
With landlords having to make improvements to their properties ahead of the proposed EPC 2025 deadline, new research has revealed that over half of landlords surveyed said that they...
Contrary to some narratives suggest renting is an inherently unhappy experience, most people renting their home in the private rented sector are happy with their property and landlord,...
West One Loans has announced that it has added several new products to its buy-to-let product range, including seven-year fixed payrate products, both standard and specialist.
The National Residential Landlords Association has teamed up with the Property Redress Scheme and The Dispute Service to create and launch a new scheme that aims to help landlords and...
Agents and landlords are in for a big challenge with a record-breaking 11 new schemes being introduced across seven different local authorities in April, with eight starting on the...
Securing a rental can be a difficult process, so once you’ve got the keys to your new rented property it’s natural to breathe a sigh of relief that you’ve got the...