Recently published data showing a record number of 47,000 property incorporations last year has reinforced the view among some commentators that the age of the amateur landlord is...
The number of HMOs in England has declined in the past year, likely caused by strict new regulations introduced by the government, according to market analysis from specialist property...
Newbury Building Society has announced that it has expanded its GoGreen Mortgage range with the launch of two products for existing buy to let mortgage customers.
48% of renters do not have contents insurance in place for personal possessions, and of those, 44% aren’t doing so in a bid to save money as the cost-of-living rises, according...
Government plans to be outlined in the Queen’s Speech that will force landlords to rent empty retail units to the highest bidder in rental auctions will work in any meaningful...
Sunderland has experienced the biggest increase in rental demand of all the main UK towns/cities, according to data from flatshare service, SpareRoom. Listings posted on the platform...
Lettings agents have had their hands full trying to keep up with the legislative changes that both have been and are going to come into play within the sector, especially in regions...
UK rental guarantor service, Housing Hand, shares its insights into the latest shifts in the UK rental sector after observing a number of growing trends, including pressure from...
As Dynamo is a customer-facing business as well as a mortgage club, it’s always important to put ourselves in the shoes of clients, brokers and, to a certain degree, our lending...
62% of tenants feel that renting a property negatively impacts their mental health, saying they feel either stressed or anxious because of their living situation.