Research from property maintenance solution provider, Help me Fix, reveals that maintenance in the rented sector in the UK totals a huge £30 billion a year.
One in ten landlords is planning to sell their property rather than re-let at the end of their next tenancy, the English Private Landlord Survey (EPLS) has shown.
Paul Shamplina and PayProp have issued a joint call on agents, landlords and tenants to look into how the eviction process could change once the government’s latest proposed...
PayProp UK is calling on the lettings industry to join it in responding to a call for evidence published by the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS), with a view to simplify and clarify...
Almost all UK landlords who invest through limited companies believe their incorporated status mitigates the risks of inflation, according to new research from GetGround.
The number of rental properties within the UK property market has climbed by over 1.1m in the last decade, placing the UK in the top 10 globally when it comes to the balance between...
Landlords are being urged to crunch their numbers to avoid falling foul of new tighter lending rules surrounding void periods being imposed by lenders.
Letting agents should start considering how the properties they manage can become more energy efficient by tapping into funding schemes that are starting to emerge, according to...