Rayna Hunter, CEO of LH1 Global looks at how caution and uncertainty among international property investors appears to be easing following the General Election.
A continued attack on the nation’s buy-to-let landlords could push the current rental crisis beyond repair, warns CEO of Octane Capital, Jonathan Samuels.
The success of the government's New Homes Accelerator could hinge on finding a solution to the complexity of the current planning process for new developments.
Lawrence Turner, Director at Boyer explores how effective councils' new powers will be in addressing the housing crisis or whether it's just rapid reform for rapid reform’s...
Ritchie Clapson CEng MIStructE, co-founder of propertyCEO, looks at how the new government's plans to solve the ongoing housing crisis (what we currently know of them) actually stack...
Paresh Raja, CEO at Market Financial Solutions, looks back at the surge in activity seen in the weeks and months following a previous General Elections and explores the likelihood of...