As well as meeting the demands of tenants, supplying more homes for the private rental sector would provide a welcome boost to the Government’s coffers, according to the National...
Allison Thompson, National Lettings Managing Director, Leaders Romans Group looks at the many changes and new announcements that will affect how landlords operate in 2024.
Two-thirds of private renters experienced a problem with the quality or condition of their property in the past six months, according to the results of a new survey.
James Mole, Director of property funding and insurance firm, J3 Advisory shares his guidance for landlords setting up limited companies amidst a surge in demand
A handful of proposed amendments to the Renters’ (Reform) Bill, designed to give private rented sector landlords more protection, has received the backing of a prominent industry...
With time running out until the next General Election, Neil Cobbold, Managing Director at PayProp UK looks at the dangers of rushing through the government’s flagship legislation...
Paul Belton, Partner, Carter Jonas (Cambridge) looks at the ongoing challenges of supply within the PRS and how the public sector is successfully being used to help address them.
Butterfield Mortgages' latest research shows that as many as 65% of private landlords in the UK are optimistic about the future performance of their property investments.