Landlords and overseas property investors who are hoarding property and cashing in on the UK's broken property market should face a higher premium stamp duty tax, a think tank has...
Rebecca Wilkinson, Business Tax Partner & property specialist at Menzies LLP looks at the things landlords should consider when weighing up whether to set up as a limited company...
New analysis has shown where the UK's 'Inheritance Tax hotspots' are where high house prices will see you hit even if passing to a child or grandchild.
HMRC has ramped up the number of nudge letters it is sending out to residential landlords who provide short-term lets, according to tax specialists at UK Landlord Tax.
Allison Thompson, National Lettings Managing Director, Leaders Romans Group, looks at recent changes the government has made with regard to how income and profits are taxed and rounds...
Currently standing at £12,300, the annual tax-free allowance for CGT will decrease by more than half from April this year to £6,000 before dropping again in 2024 to...
In addition to adding to the misery of UK landlords as well as reducing the number of available homes for tenants, restrictions in mortgage interest relief have also cost the Treasury...
In the wake of a hugely disappointing budget for the buy-to-let sector, fed-up landlords, who have long perceived they were under attack from the government due to multiple changes in...
A huge reversal of tax policy has just been announced by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt during today's Spring Budget announcement - Corporation Tax is confirmed to rise in April from 19% to...