A continued attack on the nation’s buy-to-let landlords could push the current rental crisis beyond repair, warns CEO of Octane Capital, Jonathan Samuels.
Daniel Austin, CEO and co-founder at ASK Partners, looks at how Labour, under Chancellor Rachel Reeves, is committed to addressing the UK's housing crisis by reinstating local...
Haman Manak, Procurement Director at Stanmore, looks at Labour's promises to ‘get Britain building again’ amid a dire worker shortage across the sector.
Finbri’s 2024 Landlord Report found that 43% of UK landlords were optimistic that Labour’s victory in the 2024 general election will benefit them. However, the report also...
Pete Mugleston, MD and mortgage expert at Online Mortgage Advisor analyses how Labour's housing policies might shape the future of homeownership in the UK.
A new survey has revealed a unified demand from both tenants and landlords for two areas of significant rental reform they want Labour to implement swiftly.