auction key
28th October 2016

Manchester based auction house Pugh & Co, have released year to date figures that put them above market average sales rate after successful October auctions in Manchester and Leeds.

20th October 2016

Ascend Properties, a Manchester based estate agent, has reported a substantial proportion of the city’s younger generation shunning home ownership to reap the benefits of flexible...

19th October 2016

New analysis by property crowdfunding platform, Property Partner, has shown that four out of ten major towns and cities in the UK saw a drop in the number of new buy-to-let properties...

red house puzzle
17th October 2016

According to the latest report from Countrywide, rental growth has slowed across Britain over the last year, but price growth in Northern cities has remained at a similar rate to...

14th October 2016

Manchester continues to lead the Northern Powerhouse as the strength of its housing market builds. As one of the UK's thriving second cities, Manchester has become an investment...

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