four shit light bulbs and one slightly better light bulb
29th July 2016

A new report reveals that over half of tenants claim their rental property is cold and draughty and 58% of tenants that have requested their landlord make energy efficiency...

energy efficiency
11th July 2016

In 2007 the UK Government introduced EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates). The Housing Act 2004 made it a mandatory requirement that an energy assessment is made on all properties...

house prices
28th October 2015

The number of arrangement fee free buy to let mortgage products rose in Q3 as lenders tried to find ways to compete without reducing rates which are already at an all-time low.

Home Security
18th June 2015

Liz Ainsle, environmental consultant for Hosking Associates, covers the recently passed legislation that will make it easier for tenants to rent more energy efficient properties.

Widening tenant debt exposed in new report
16th October 2014

The report followed 20 tenants, including single people and couples, over three years, to assess how people are coping with austerity measures, including changes to welfare benefits.

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