In addition to accepting more than 5,000 complaints about businesses, The Property Ombudsman conducts more than 2,000 compliance checks annually to ensure businesses have safeguards in...
Following two surveys of letting and managing agents, new guidance has been published by The Property Ombudsman to help agents, landlords and tenants deal with condensation, damp and...
The Kent-based firm has been expelled due to a "systematic disregard for professional standards and landlord-tenant obligations", according to the TPO.
Two London companies have been expelled from The Property Ombudsman for failing to pay compensation to consumers, bringing the total number expelled this year to 13.
The TPO has been informed that a letting agent expelled from the scheme - owing a landlord £10k, appears to still be trading illegally, offering properties to let.
Eight agents were excluded from The Property Ombudsman scheme during the first three months of the year for failing to pay compensatory awards following complaints from consumers.
Between October and December last year, six more agents were excluded from The Property Ombudsman scheme for failing to pay a compensatory award following referral to the...