Growing numbers of young renters are becoming increasingly concerned about their income, the property market, and the cost of living, according to new research by financial mutual,...
New research from Saltus has revealed that 79% of middle-class parents are helping support their adult children financially, with one in four helping with mortgage payments...
Renovating used to be a value alternative to moving, but with the cost-of-living crisis, soaring inflation, and material price hikes, many will be asking is it still worthwhile?
Barclays and British Gas have formed a new energy efficiency partnership that will focus on helping customers explore ways they could make their homes more energy efficient.
Over two-fifths of renters would like the government to provide more support with the ongoing cost of living crisis, according to TML whose research found that rising costs and high...
A USwitch poll of landlords has shown that - with 45% of private renters anxious about paying the rent - younger landlords are more likely to offer support to tenants struggling with...
The rising cost of rent, particularly in today's market, has always been a major worry among renters. However, despite almost three-quarters of renters expressing concerns over rent...
A 31% rise in the number of 18-24 year-olds looking for overseas property in Europe to escape UK housing affordability issues has been picked up by analysts at property portal,...