Strange sounds and sudden changes of temperature in their property have left many 18-34-year-olds scared of being in their homes alone - but the majority of these spooky occurrences...
Although there’s no magic spell to suddenly improve your finances, Ben Thompson, Deputy CEO at Mortgage Advice Bureau, shares a few things you can do to help turn your credit...
New research reveals that while some Halloween-themed street names might raise your spirits (as well as the price of your home), others could haunt the property’s resale value.
With the scariest night of the year just hours away, new insight reveals some of the most common problems within the home that could well have you thinking your house is haunted and...
Well over half of all areas within the UK housing market have seen house prices fall since last Halloween - and some have been truly terrifying for homeowners.
As if it wasn't bad enough contending with 'spider season' every year. Now bed bugs, not content with wreaking havoc across the continent, are here. In the UK. For Halloween. Awesome.