Lawhive’s UK lawyer and head of legal operations, Daniel McAfee, looks at the Renters' Rights Bill and its potential to transform landlord-tenant dynamics.
Lettings experts have identified a crucial ‘loophole’ in the Renters (Reform) Bill which will create a patchwork system whereby some landlords will be able to continue...
The removal of Section 21 notices and the end of fixed-term tenancies are the two issues that concern landlords the most, according to a new report issued by Propertymark.
Calls are mounting for systemic reform of the 'failing' court system as UK Landlords continue to face excessive delays in property possession proceedings.
Landlords who hoped that 2024 might arrive with more balance in the reporting of property rental issues are already reeling from another attack, according to LegalforLandlords.
Following significant amendments introduced to the Renters Reform Bill after its second reading in Parliament last month, London-based estate and lettings agency, Johns&Co, has...