With the possibility of some serious attention given to the UK property market in next week's budget, now could be the perfect opportunity for the government to review its ‘outdated...
Saving up for a deposit is often cited as the main issue facing first-time-buyers, a stumbling block that is continually compounded by rapidly escalating house prices.
First introduced to fund a war against France, stamp duty has certainly been hitting the headlines recently. Newly released research has highlighted how many homebuyers could benefit...
The latest market analysis from Direct Line business insurance has revealed that since the introduction of the Stamp Duty Holiday in July 2020, a staggering 79% of commercial landlords...
During the pandemic, two of the most persistent trends seen across the whole property market have been escalating house prices and a desire for larger homes.
The head of residential conveyancing at London law firm, Osbornes Law, has warned against extending the stamp duty holiday past the current March 31st deadline and what it could mean...
Land agent, Aston Mead, has welcomed the national space requirements which will be imposed on all new houses delivered through Permitted Development Rights from this April.
Portfolio management platform, Lendlord, has announced that it has launched an online bridging lender for property investors via the Lendlord platform.
A new survey of 975 UK-based investors has revealed that one in four have switched financial services providers due to the poor service they have received during the pandemic.