Over-55s used housing equity to clear more than £612 million of unsecured debt in 2020, according to the latest research from Key, who are marking debt charity, Step Change’s, Debt...
The latest Government Help to Buy scheme could help over a half of all new-build homebuyers to get a foot on the ladder, according to newly released data from Buildscan.
Housebuilder, Crest Nicholson, has issued a trading update and revised its expected full-year profit upwards in response to achieving good trading performance.
Demand for city rental accommodation is on the rise as tenants slowly make their way back to urban living ahead of the expected easing of lockdown restrictions on 29th March.
The latest statistics from HMRC have revealed that the housing market continues to boom with a surge in transactions during last month compared with the same month last year.
With the UK housing market booming its way through the pandemic, newly released research has revealed that four in ten first-time buyers have now taken advantage of the Stamp Duty...
The latest market analysis from Zoopla has revealed that the budget has fuelled a spike in buyer demand for property compared to the four-year average, with buyers focussing on larger...
Ignorance is no defence when it comes to the Community Infrastructure Levy, says Southampton-based property tax specialist, E3 Consulting, who are warning homeowners against falling...
Our homes are more than just a roof over our heads, they are an extension of our lifestyle and individual personalities, yet despite the ability to tailor every aspect of our property...