Uncertainty surrounding the pandemic saw rising amounts of surplus rental stock in London as thousands left the city to be closer to friends and family.
A little-known law could see renters paying significant Stamp Duty Land Tax penalties despite not actually owning their rental property, according to research from London lettings and...
Record house price increases over the last 5 years are driving an increasing number of homeowners to use the value of their home to fund their retirement.
A small MOM increase of 0.2% in UK rent prices during December has pushed average rent prices in the UK to £1060 PCM, according to the latest figures released by Homelet.
2021 has been one of the busiest years on record for the UK property market. And naturally, beyond the aspiration of owning our own property, we also like to make our house a home and...
As the planet steadily becomes more connected and more of us work from our homes, the importance of reliable, fast internet is becoming ever more important.
Average UK homeowners have seen an £18,000 uplift in the value of their home since this time last year, climbing to over £25,000 in the best-performing regions.
Specialist buy-to-let lender, Fleet Mortgages, has announced that it has reduced rates across all three of its core areas of lending – standard, limited company/LLP, and...
Last year, the government announced that Section 82 of the Coronavirus Act 2020, which prevents landlords of commercial properties from being able to evict tenants for rent arrears,...
From 2025, all newly rented properties will be required to have an EPC rating of C or above. However, according to a new survey, 15% of landlords still have no knowledge of the...