Fraudsters, criminals, and money launderers have long targeted the rental market, with research estimating that as much as 5% of all rental stock is being let to criminals.

Fraudsters, criminals, and money launderers have long targeted the rental market, with research estimating that as much as 5% of all rental stock is being let to criminals.
Amid rumours of a further tax hike on rented housing ahead of the Autumn statement, the National Residential Landlords Association has warned that the government's strategy for the...
Average house prices in the UK increased by 9.5% over the year to September 2022, down from 13.1% in August 2022 as some of the market's momentum of the last two years eased due to...
Around 60% of landlords say they are preparing to increase rents to compensate for higher costs, with a fifth indicating that they are planning to sell some of their portfolio to...
Despite 90% of homeowners hoping to make energy efficiency-related changes to their homes within 5 years, the initial cost of doing so remains a barrier and sees many favouring...
The National Residential Landlords Association has welcomed the government's commitment to tackling anti-social tenants following the abolishment of Section 21.
Despite continued economic uncertainty in the UK, 50.45% of investors are planning to make further purchases in 2023 with increased activity planned by more experienced investors,...
Student property enquiries in the run-up to the crucial letting season for the 2023/24 academic year are up by 79% compared to the same period last year, with cities in the north of...
With winter fast approaching amidst the worst energy crisis on record, new research has highlighted that around 43% of homeowners don’t know what their property’s EPC...
The latest increase in interest rates has pushed the average annual cost of a mortgage repayment to 27.9% of average household income, adding further financial pressure to households...
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