Skipton Building Society has announced that it has reached out to UK Housing Minster and Chancellor of the Exchequer ahead of Wednesday's Spring Budget to breathe new life into plans...
Sentiment among UK landlords remains broadly upbeat according to a newly released survey from Landbay, who report that while challenges remain in the sector, 46% of respondents say...
Ahead of the Spring Budget and with many landlords feeling under increasing pressure because of upcoming legislative changes, calls are mounting for more funding to help the private...
Paragon Bank has announced that it is furthering its support for portfolio landlords with the launch of four new limited edition five-year buy-to-let products.
As part of its commitment to remain competitive, Shawbrook has rolled out a range of changes across its semi-commercial and specialist buy-to-let products for complex cases.
Mounting predictions of further interest rate rises have prompted over half of landlords to say that they'll raise rents to absorb the extra costs - resulting in rising numbers of...
Gráinne Gilmore of strategic property consultancy Cluttons recently spoke to Iain McKenzie, CEO of The Guild of Property Professionals, about her views on the lettings market in...
Amid the government's perceived war on landlords with endless changes to legislation, new environmental responsibilities, and rising rates, you could be forgiven for thinking that...