250 commercial landlords with offices in the UK have revealed their existing sustainability practices as part of new independent market research commissioned by infinitSpace.
Interest rate hikes and market uncertainty are set to halve activity in the commercial property space this year, according to new market analysis from Sirius Property Finance.
Maeve Ward, director of commercial operations at Mercantile Trust, explains what investors need to understand about the proposed new rules around the energy efficiency of rental...
Inventories will be the last line of defence for landlords worried about having to allow pets in their rented properties, according to the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks.
Paul Brett, managing director for intermediaries at Landbay, looks at the ongoing challenges in the buy-to-let market and the persistent rumblings of a landlord 'exodus' in the media.
Tenants in the capital are facing an uphill struggle while trying to secure a new home, with just 4% of London rental homes available as demand continues to eclipse supply.
Higher mortgage rates and the continuing disparity in the supply and demand of rental stock have seen a dramatic rise in the number of tenants on salaries of over £25k being...
Yorkshire estate agency, North Residential, has announced that it has launched a dedicated new premium lettings service as it continues its expansion of its portfolio and regional...
Competition remains fierce for rental property in the capital with a 19% month-on-month rise in tenant offers seen in June, according to new data from Chestertons.