The long-awaited Renters (Reform) Bill, which is currently passing through the UK Parliament cannot succeed without proper engagement with letting agents and landlords, Propertymark...
Growing confidence among landlords has seen many choose to build on their existing portfolios over the last year with a similar number looking to do so in the months ahead.
A new analysis of over 100,000 landlord insurance policies has revealed which UK cities have seen the highest increase in buy-to-let properties over the last 12 months.
As well as meeting the demands of tenants, supplying more homes for the private rental sector would provide a welcome boost to the Government’s coffers, according to the National...
A new survey has revealed that just under half of mortgage brokers expect to place more limited company buy-to-let business throughout the next 12 months.
Allison Thompson, National Lettings Managing Director, Leaders Romans Group looks at the many changes and new announcements that will affect how landlords operate in 2024.
Two-thirds of private renters experienced a problem with the quality or condition of their property in the past six months, according to the results of a new survey.
Intermediary-only specialist lender, Foundation Home Loans has announced that it has launched a new suite of broad and specialist criteria and products for an additional layer of...
A new study has found that holiday rental providers could increase the likelihood of their guests booking extra nights by as much as 572% through improved communication.