With the vast majority of landlords stating they are currently optimistic about the year ahead and the future of property investment, newly released data reveals where they should be...
Landlords have welcomed government changes made to the Green Homes Grant Scheme, reducing the challenges both landlords and homeowners were facing finding an installer.
According to the latest data released by Citizens Advice, half a million private renters in the UK are behind on their rent, with protections against eviction due to expire this...
The latest data and analysis from lettings management platform, Howsy, has revealed that demand for rental homes across the UK’s major cities has dropped -9% since Q3.
Newly released research from the National Residential Landlords Association has revealed that over half of private landlords have lost rental income as a result of the COVID-19...
As UK landlords face growing pressure to come forward or risk facing harsher penalties, new data from national accountancy group, UHY Hacker Young, has shown that there has been an...