Intermediary-only specialist lender, Foundation Home Loans, has announced that it has launched a new ‘Green Reward’ remortgage for landlords that aims to act as a catalyst to...
A national committee, backed by the UK Apartment Association, has been launched to re-evaluate the image of the built-to-rent sector among renters, policymakers and investors.
Buy-to-let specialist lender, Fleet Mortgages, has announced fresh price cuts on its two and five-year fixed-rate products across all its ranges – standard, limited company and...
A drastic increase in the amount they’d have to pay if they sold up because of the proposed hike to Capital Gains Tax has almost half of UK landlords worried. However, despite this,...
The latest research from property investment company, Fabrik Invest, has found that as the continuing impact of the pandemic is felt across the UK's private rented sector, longer-term...
Over the past 10 years, investors who purchased a buy-to-let property in southern cities such as London and Oxford have reaped the rewards of considerable house price growth during...
UK landlords remain confident that they will not fall off the cliff-edge on March 31st, with 65% saying that they would complete their purchases before the stamp duty deadline.
The shifting needs of tenants throughout the pandemic has created a heightened demand for locations that offer greater space, driving average rents up to £839 when London is excluded...