Intermediary-only specialist buy-to-let lender, CHL Mortgages, has reduced rates across its entire product range catering for individuals, limited companies and HMOs/MUFBs.
Precise Mortgages has announced that it has made several changes to its buy-to-let range including rate cuts and reductions to fees across the full suite of personal ownership, HMO and...
The capital’s short term rental sector is continuing to perform well after the sector recovers, according to performance data from a tracking study released by STR.
The start of a new academic year has brought more stories of students struggling to secure university accommodation or arriving to find the digs they had secured were far from...
A growing number of UK ex-pats who own a buy-to-let property in the UK are continuing to approach HMRC to admit they have evaded tax, says national accountancy group, UHY Hacker...
While the vast majority of tenants are respectful and treat their rented homes with great pride and care, rogue tenants remain a professional hazard for landlords.
The most common feature shared among build to rent developments currently advertising for tenants is something that the traditional private rental sector has consistently failed to...
Unfortunately, since the end of May, COVID-19 cases have steadily been on the rise, confirming that the virus remains a risk as we head into the colder months.
Despite the fast-approaching end to the stamp duty holiday, the number of sales made to first-time buyers rose to 28% - up 8% against July's figure of 20% and a clear indication that...